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DOEACC Society Accreditation

Under the DOEACC Scheme, computer-training institutes in the non-formal sector, meeting well-defined criteria, are granted accreditation for specified levels of courses offered under it viz. O (Foundation) Level, A (Advanced Diploma) Level, B Level (Equivalent to MCA) and C Level (Equivalent to M.Tech). In this regard the Society publishes a prospectus for each of the level, which contains the eligibility norms and criteria in addition to an accreditation application form.

Cost of the Prospectus containing guidelines for accreditation for each of the four Levels, (O or A or B or C) is Rs. 500/-
The prospectus can be obtained from the Society's office:

DOEACC SOCIETY Electronics Niketan,
6, CGO Complex, New Delhi -110 003-  by sending crossed demand draft in favor of "DOEACC" payble at New Delhi along with a written requisition and giving details of Demand Draft. This may also be obtained in person from the DOEACC Cash Counter at the office of the DOEACC Society, New Delhi against cash payment from Monday to Friday. (Timings 10:00 to 3:00 P.M. only)

Click here for a Comprehensive list of priced publications available at DOEACC Society.
The institutes desirous of getting Accreditation for any Level of Course under the DOEACC Scheme are required to purchase the relevant prospectus and submit the Application Form duly filled-in to the Society.

Computer-training institutes can also apply for accreditation to any of the DOEACC courses too. In this regard the Society publishes a prospectus for each of the level that contains the eligibility norms and criteria in addition to an accreditation application form.

Accreditation under DOEACC Society is awarded to a Private Institute, under the following guidelines:

a) Status and Identity

The institution/organization should be registered under any act of law e.g. in the case of a company, it must be registered with the Registrar of Companies, in case of a Society, it must be Registered with Registrar of Societies and so on an so forth. Must show financial stability and sincerity of the purpose. Should have conducted similar course for at least two years.

b) Infrastructure - Building and Space
Should have its own premises. However, in the event of the premises being hired, it should be on a long-term lease. The lease term, in such cases is specific to the Level for which accreditation is sought and the same is defined in the relevant prospectus. Minimum carpet area should be better than 90 sq. meters consisting of at least;
- one class room to seat 25 students
- one lab to seat 15 students.
- Library
- reception area, etc.

c) Infrastructure - Equipment
State-of-the-art Hardware should be available with the institute and the same should be provided to the students for the training of the relevant DOEACC course. The institute also needs to ensure that the students are allotted at least half of the duration of a subject for "hands-on" experience. The minimum number of computer system required should be commensurate with the number of students being trained by the institute and also the geographical location of the institute, subject to at least eight computer systems.
Not more than two students should work on a single terminal or one PC. All software should be licensed as understood within the terms of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Software required for the conduct of DOEACC Course(s) has been prescribed within the relevant syllabus. The institute should also possess modern teaching aids such as overhead projectors, video projection, audiovisuals etc.

d) Faculty
The teaching faculty should consist of at least three permanent incumbents who should have been with the institute for not less than six months. The ratio of full time to part time (normalized) should at least be 4:1, i.e., within the institute, for every four full time faculties, the institute is permitted to engage one part-time faculty. The ratio of full time + part time (normalized) to students should at least be 1:25, i.e., for every batch of 25 students, the institute should employ one faculty subject to a minimum of three permanent incumbents. Competent faculty should have the requisite qualifications and experience (a minimum of two years) as has been detailed in Prospectus of respective levels. The names and qualification including the experience of the faculties are required to be provided within the accreditation application form.

e) Library
The institute should maintain a Library.The Library should have a good selection of books and should also subscribe to popular periodicals. Sufficient number of books, which are listed in the DOEACC syllabus, should be also maintained in the Library. Sufficient number of DOEACC Syllabi and also other DOEACC publications should be maintained in the Library and the same should be made available to all concerned.

f) Code of Ethics
Institutes granted permission to conduct the DOEACC course(s) are required to follow the following code of ethics;
Should NOT knowingly, advertise in a way which is liable to project a false impression of competence of the Institution.
Should NOT advertise, either directly or by Implication, accreditation of aspects / course(s) for which specific approval has not been granted. This also covers the cases which are under consideration or expired or withdrawn;
Should NOT exaggerate, to gain unfair advantage, the contents of the course(s) for which accreditation has been granted;
Should NOT mention connection with foreign collaboration directly or indirectly to gain advantage, unless there is indisputable proof of such connection.
Should NOT guarantee benefits to student that is actually false or not feasible.
Should NOT project price terms that are false, or misleading, to gain advantage over competition.
Should NOT disparage competition, even obliquely.
Should NOT project insufficiently supported claims of excellence in connection with employment.
Should NOT distort statement of Government for own gain.
Should NOT criticize action of Government / professional bodies or experts, without proper investigation.
Should NOT make statement offensive to the public. This includes release of advertisements that are "Off-Color."
Should NOT make statements of an ambiguous nature presenting a false picture in any stage /part of the scheme of accreditation including hardware / software as also omissions and half-truth.
Should NOT do comparative advertising
Should NOT involve in any other matter / action repugnant to the spirit of ethical practices, including, behavior to / by our students; unauthorized use of copyrighted software etc.

g) Student Admission and Administration
At least 50% of the enrolment will be on the basis of merit.
Student administration should be of high order.
Separate record keeping of admission, registration, aptitude test, and-- selection norms.

h) Accreditation Fee (Provisional) for 3 years
'O' Level - Rs. 30,000/-
'A' Level - Rs. 30,000/-
'B' Level - Rs. 45,000/-
'C' Level - Rs. 30,000/-
* Accreditation Fee once paid is not refundable.

i) Points to consider after accreditation
Accreditation is for the DOEACC computer course and the institute is not accredited as such. It is applicable for the course at the specified location only.
Accreditation given in the name of an institute is not automatically applicable to its branches / centres / head office/franchises/licensees etc. Each centre is required to have independent accreditation for each level.
Provisional accreditation is granted for a period of three years for O/A/C levels and five years for B level.
Accreditation is a continuous process and new institutes get accredited from time to time. Accreditation granted to an existing institute may be withdrawn if its fails to adhere to the specified norms or for other specified reasons.
Observers who are experts in the field are requested to visit the concerned institutes and send their reports when complaints about the functioning of the institutes are to be investigated or deficiencies in their yearly reports are to be looked into.
The performance of an institute is reviewed through the yearly reports submitted by the institute, the Observer's report on the functioning of the institute and by the performance of candidates appearing in DOEACC examinations from the institute. This also includes the number of candidates sent by the institute for such examinations.
Institutes are allowed to run number of courses/batches in commensuration with the qualified faculty and existing infrastructure. Based on this, the maximum number of students which the institute can train for each level are decided.
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