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Types of Writing

There are four main types of writing: 
Expository, Persuasive, Narrative, and Descriptive.
·          Expository         Writing in which author’s purpose is to inform or explain the subject to the reader.
·            Persuasive         Writing that states the opinion of the writer and attempts to influence the reader.
·          Narrative           Writing in which the author tells a story. The story could be fact or fiction.
·          Descriptive        A type of expository writing that uses the five senses to paint a picture for the reader. This writing incorporates imagery and specific details.

Exercise: Identify which type of writing is being described below.
______________ A story about the time you got lost at Disneyland
______________ A web page telling how to create a web page
______________ The Harry Potter books
______________ A letter to the Prime Minister explaining why the tax increase is a bad idea
______________ Writing in which you record details of a trip taken
______________ An essay discussing a theme from Romeo and Juliet
______________ An article attempting to convince readers to boycott a store chain
______________ A poem about the sights and sounds of rainfall
______________ A paper about the horrible treatment of the people in Sri Lanka
______________ The cover story in the morning newspaper
______________ A brochure advertising a luxury hotel and resort
______________ A paper discussing the after effects of a war 
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